Investing in safety is important for everyone, for obvious reasons. Most cars come equipped with safety features like seat belts and air bags that are there for our protection. When it comes to protection from drunk drivers, there is nothing safer to add to a car than an ignition interlock device. So, what does it take to have an ignition interlock installed in Texas?
A drunk driving conviction.
Texas has clear laws about drunk driving and when an offender is required to install an ignition interlock device. Texas DWI law states that an ignition interlock will be ordered if:
- Your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is greater than .15 percent.
- You are convicted of a second or any subsequent DWI charges within 10 years.
- Your DWI conviction included any other charges like assault or manslaughter.
You may also be ordered to install an ignition interlock device at the court’s discretion for any DWI in which your BAC was between .08 and .15 percent.
Of course, safety is also a choice that can be made, instead of facing Texas DWI charges. You can always pledge to remain sober when driving, and encourage others to do the same. There are no good reasons for drinking and driving, which is why ignition interlock devices are quickly becoming the “go-to” solution in Texas to prevent any further DWI incidents. Not only do the devices prevent a person from re-offending, but, they work to change the impulse to drink and drive long after they are removed.
A car with an ignition interlock device is certainly safe when it comes to stopping a person from drinking and driving, still, there is a choice that happens long before the device is installed. Instead of having a day in Texas DWI court and monthly ignition interlock service appointments, find a safe ride home in a car that only has the standard seat belts and air bags. It’s a matter of safety that makes life a lot easier.