Hey, kid. You may not hear this enough, but, your brain is beautiful. You spend all day in classrooms, expanding your intellect. You use your mind to connect with friends, and you think of your future almost constantly. Sometimes, you only see your beauty when you snap a selfie, or when you get a hug from a parent. Your beauty is more than what you look like, and your brain is a big part of that.
We know you have heard the lectures about drinking. You have processed the information, you know that drinking alcohol is wrong and illegal and binge drinking only leads to big trouble. Some of you may have seen the destruction that happens when a person drinks and drives… or, you have been involved in a drunk driving incident, yourself. But, you also see the “glamorous” life of a person who drinks on TV or the Internet, and the mixed messages can be difficult for even the biggest brain to sort through. But, you and your brain… you got this.

The choice to drink is one best left to adults, and most of that comes down to the brain factor. You see, your brain is not prepared for alcohol. Your brain is still growing. You are naturally inclined to have bad judgment as a teenager, and that is okay. When you start adding in alcohol, it all “gets real” for your brain, and that normal, bad judgment becomes a lot worse. With binge drinking, you’re actually changing your brain, and those changes could impact you for the rest of your life. Plus, binge drinking leads to drinking and driving… and you really don’t want a car breathalyzer or ignition interlock device.
Your brain is beautiful, and it is worth protecting during this time. You have your entire life ahead of you, and you can make choices to drink responsibly once you are able to do so, legally. Until then, respect your brain and see it (and you) for the smart, beautiful and incredible potential that is just beginning to shine through.