If you have been convicted of drunk driving, you probably regret the series of events and the decision you made that got you to this point. Maybe you feel lucky that the worst thing that happened to you is that you now have a car breathalyzer attached to your vehicle as a reminder that you cannot make the same decision again. Maybe even looking at it is enough to never drink alcohol if you know you have to drive home, not to mention having to blow into the device regularly to prove your sobriety.
The most important thing you can do at this point is to commit to remaining sober when driving. You don’t want to face further penalties and consequences from any additional drunk driving convictions. You really just want to “do your time” with the car breathalyzer and never have to use one again. It is true that the car breathalyzer reminds you, without even using it, that you made a bad judgment call. But, you should also know that eventually, you will be allowed to drive without it, and that is something to look forward to.
Nobody wants to have a car breathalyzer, but, it may be the one thing that allows you the ability to keep driving. While you are required to use it for now, your future does not have to include a breath test each time you try to start your car, and by remaining sober when driving, you are assured that eventually, your time will be up. Understand that these devices are saving lives each day, perhaps even yours, and that there could be a much worse outcome to face as a result of drinking and driving.
Until you have fulfilled your car breathalyzer requirement, the best thing you can do is remain sober while driving. By following the order of the court, you may find your drunk driving conviction is behind you sooner than you ever thought possible.