Generally speaking, a drunk driving conviction is reason enough for anyone to commit to staying on the right side of the law. But, even after the anxiety of court and the consequences for a DUI, like a car breathalyzer requirement, there are always those who think they can keep driving illegally, and even some who think they can drink and drive.
Those are the people who need a car breathalyzer the most, and if it sounds like something you might want to try, you’d better get ready for a lot more trouble than just a DUI.
If you drive without a car breathalyzer, you’re driving illegally. Your license has already been tagged with information about your car breathalyzer requirement, so, when you are caught, you will face additional penalties from the DMV and the court. You could end up in jail, or have an even longer time requirement with your car breathalyzer.
Because you have a car breathalyzer, you have obviously been convicted of drinking and driving. When you drive without a car breathalyzer, you could very well repeat your past mistake, and make your life (and the lives of others) much worse. Even if you are not technically drunk (.08 BAC) when you are confronted by the police, any trace of alcohol could put you in line for a second or subsequent drunk driving charge. If you think it is frustrating to use a car breathalyzer, you need to consider the hard road ahead if you get caught driving illegally, with even a little bit of alcohol in your system. That’s frustrating.
If you have a car breathalyzer requirement, then you need to drive with a car breathalyzer. It is as simple as that. The alternatives will not get you where you want to be, in life or just around town, and the requirement will not be around forever… just long enough to prove your commitment to sober driving.