Not all Nebraska DUI convictions are treated the same. When your criminal record begins to stack one drunk driving problem on top of the other, the state increases penalties to get you to make better decisions. A second Nebraska DUI is not the end of the world, but it definitely signals that changes need to be made in your life before you hurt another person.
A Nebraska DUI will stay on your DMV report for several years, per the state’s administrative point system. A first and second Nebraska DUI will assess six points on your license, for each incident, even if you are not convicted in court. At 12 points, you will lose your license through the DMV. Not only that, but you will face criminal penalties for the second DUI, as well, including:
- A Class W misdemeanor.
- 30 days to six months in jail.
- $500 fine.
- One-year suspended driver’s license.
- Ignition interlock requirement after the license suspension time has passed.
Nebraska has a 12-year DUI look back period when considering any other drunk driving convictions on your record in the full tally. If you are convicted of a second Nebraska DUI within the 12-year look back period, your criminal penalties increase. If the second offense falls outside of the 12 years, your criminal penalties will fall under the guidelines for a first offense DUI. Those offenses can also include any underage DUI convictions on your record, as well as any implied consent violations.
You have plenty of choices in life, and when you are in the moment, deciding whether you are safe enough to drive after drinking, consider the choice you make could follow you around for the rest of your life. Have a plan in place before heading out for a night of drinking and steer clear of any drunk driving convictions.