There’s a myth in most states about how to get out of a DUI or other drunk driving charge: you can simply refuse the police breathalyzer test and wait for your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to subside. No illegal BAC, no DUI. However, a Mississippi DWI isn’t that easy to get out of, and if you refuse the breathalyzer test, you’ll face additional penalties on top of a potential DWI charge.
Mississippi law specifically addresses the problems that can occur when you refuse a police breathalyzer or BAC test during a traffic stop or DUI checkpoint. If you refuse, you will have an immediate license suspension. The only way you can restore your license is to qualify and enroll in the Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program (MASEP) and fulfill an ignition interlock requirement, among other things.
There’s more to the Mississippi DUI no refusal policies: No Refusal DUI Weekends.
On No Refusal DUI weekends, if you refuse a police breathalyzer, law enforcement can take you to the local jail where a nurse or other medical professional is waiting to draw your blood for a BAC test. Waiting out your BAC gets a lot trickier when there’s a warrant for the test waiting for you when you get to the jail.
All of that hassle comes before you can even be charged with a Mississippi DUI, after which you will still have to face strict consequences for your intoxicated actions.
The best thing you can refuse in Mississippi is driving under the influence. When you know you will be drinking, have a plan for a safe ride home. You skip all of the problems that come from a Mississippi DUI and you keep the streets safe for everyone else. There’s no worry about your blood, BAC or a bad night, just great memories of fun and smart planning that will keep the good times coming for months ahead.