Thanksgiving is supposed to be a happy, family-oriented occasion with food, football and fun, yet, if you’re on the road to Grandma’s house or running back to the grocery store for the 10th time, you could be in the path of a drunk driver or at risk for drunk driving yourself. Many people assume that New Year’s Eve is the most dangerous time of the year for drunk driving, but actually, Thanksgiving is the holiday with the highest number of drunk driving fatalities.
Family get-togethers can be a huge source of anxiety, which can lead to drinking more than you planned. When you get around your parents or that one over-achieving sibling, your stress levels may go through the roof and wine may seem like your best friend. Then, you have to get home (or, get away!) and you don’t want anyone to know that you’re not safe to drive. Why add fuel to the family fire?
When you choose to drink, even on Thanksgiving, you should already have a way home that doesn’t involve getting behind the wheel yourself. Be prepared to call a friend, relative, cab, or find another reliable and safe way to get back home. Risking a drunk driving offense, car breathalyzer requirement or the lives of others is certainly not worth it.
Sometimes, our judgment is cloudy before we even take our first sip of wine. Stressful times can lead to disastrous decisions and some of those decisions might be related to alcohol. Don’t let the stress of the holiday lead you down a dangerous and expensive path. Law enforcement won’t take it easy on you just because your parents are harassing you about getting married or moving out of grandma’s basement. You have to keep your wits about you when you maneuver those tricky, family gatherings. And, you need your wits about you when you get behind the wheel, too.