For some DWI offenders, working to get past a drunk driving conviction can be difficult, especially when it comes to the financial load. There are mandatory costs that are attached to a Texas DWI that can leave anyone stretching their dollars even further than before. Considering how many people in the U.S. are caught up in a financial scramble, the court costs and fees from a drunk driving conviction, including car breathalyzer or ignition interlock dues, can make any chance at recovery seem out of reach.
Texas residents are no exception to this, and even though a DWI happened, that does not mean all is lost. An ignition interlock is a big part of that recovery, and Texas wants to keep offenders moving ahead in life. That is why there could be an option for those who may have trouble affording the ignition interlock needed to continue working and fulfilling other life obligations. In some cases, a DWI offender may be able to extend the payments on their interlock in order to reduce the monthly cost, while still keeping their promise to remain sober behind the wheel. However, this assistance may vary, especially since the interlock laws recently allowed offenders the option to install the device – a decision that puts the payment squarely their shoulders, without assistance.
Even if it seems like an interlock is out of reach, due to financial circumstances, it cannot hurt to investigate the options that are available to you by discussing with an attorney or an ignition interlock service provider. You may also find that with the requirement, you save money in some other aspects of your life that led to your drunk driving conviction in the first place. After a DWI, you are ready to get your life back on track, and driving yourself around, especially with an interlock, is a vital part of your road to recovery.