All too often, we see the damage that is done when a DWI offender doesn’t follow a court order to install and maintain a car breathalyzer or ignition interlock device. We know that the devices work really well to keep a person from driving while intoxicated, and that they are only ordered after a person has been convicted of a DWI or similar charge. Texas has recently increased the ability for all offenders to opt for the devices, with the hope that more people will realize the benefit of legally (and soberly) driving over the alternative: driving illegally, possibly intoxicated, and certainly dangerously, again.
Unfortunately, not everyone “gets” the benefit of an ignition interlock device. Nor do they GET an ignition interlock on their car, even when told to do so by a judge. For instance, a Lubbock man who already had two DWI convictions, and a pending DWI charge, drove without a court-mandated ignition interlock device and ended up with a fourth drunk driving charge: intoxication manslaughter with a vehicle. That means a two-time drunk driver with a new, pending DWI charge decided that he didn’t need an ignition interlock AND that he was “okay to drive.” That decision ended in tragedy, because…
Ignition interlock devices work, but, only if they are used.
The man now faces more prison time than ever, plus, the reality of his actions on the lives of others. A DWI conviction is not the end of the world, and you always have the option of moving forward once the dust settles. Part of this is ensuring that you adhere to the law. Nobody wants an ignition interlock device, but, if that inconvenience keeps you from making another mistake while you recover from a DWI, it is well worth the fuss, especially considering the damage that could occur without one.