As with any drunk driving conviction, there is always a price to pay. In Texas, on top of the court costs and attorney’s fees, you also have to pay to get your license reinstated so that you can drive again. . There’s a catch, however, especially since Texas recently changed its DWI ignition interlock laws – you also have to have an interlock to even qualify for a restricted driver’s license. That means you’ll have a few additional costs to pay… but with a great return on investment: your freedom to drive.
The required fee to obtain your restricted ignition interlock license actually isn’t that much. You’re looking at $10 to add the interlock restriction to your license, so that law enforcement understands you are allowed to drive, as long as you have the device installed on your vehicle.
However, in order to qualify for that $10 addition, you also have to pay for the installation and monitoring of your device and any other court or administrative fees. Aside from what the court mandates you pay for your Texas DWI, the cost of the ignition interlock is a lot less than most think. Plus, Texas has considerations for low-income residents who opt for an ignition interlock device after a DWI.
After a DWI, the last thing you want to have is more money to pay, on top of all the other legal and personal frustration you are facing. But since an ignition interlock device is one of the most important tools for your recovery, the cost of your restricted license and the interlock is well worth the line in your budget. Especially since the ignition interlock helps keep you on schedule for work, and for any other important family, school or medical necessities that life demands you fulfill.