The laws of the land, regarding car breathalyzers and ignition interlock devices, may vary from state to state, but, there are pretty specific guidelines as to their use. Essentially, you blow air into an interlock and it tells you that you’re sober and can safely drive, or that you need a “time out” until you provide proof that you’re not drinking. Nobody really wants to fail an ignition interlock test, but, if you’re just determined to be put in the corner and left with no ride, no license or worse here’s a few great ways to get the job done.
- Drinking alcohol: You can and will fail an ignition interlock test if you drink alcohol. This includes beer, wine and spirits, and even that tasty margarita you couldn’t pass up. Effectiveness rate: 100%.
- Mouthwash or medications containing alcohol: Some products contain small amounts of alcohol that can cause an ignition interlock failure. If you wait too long, the alcohol dissipates from your breath and you’ll be able to drive. So, when you swish that mouthwash, make sure to submit a breath sample immediately for best test failure results. Effectiveness rate: medium, depending on how fast you get to your car, post-swish.
- Circumventing/tampering with the device: If you really want to fail an ignition interlock test, and have more legal consequences, messing with the device is your go-to solution. Not only could you lose your license, job and the respect of your peers, you could face more drunk driving charges. Effectiveness rate: high.
- Not Installing an interlock: You actually won’t have data that says you failed an ignition interlock test, but, you’ll know in your heart that you have. Plus, your probation officer, the court, DMV or other supervisor will know that you failed the terms of your conviction. From there, you get the full benefit of failure, and maybe even some jail time. Effectiveness rate: really?
In all seriousness, there’s no reason to try to fail an ignition interlock test, and the consequences you face aren’t worth the effort. Just stay sober when you drive and you’ll avoid that “time out” from living the life you deserve!