Most of us limit the amount of alcohol we drink, knowing that too many beers or cocktails can lead to bad decisions like drinking and driving. Nobody wants to put lives in danger, or suffer consequences like a car breathalyzer or ignition interlock device, but, alcohol can also lead to other risks, especially for women.
Women who consistently drink more than the recommended “one glass of wine” each day have a higher risk for breast cancer and liver disease than men. Unfortunately, most of us don’t really pay attention to the exact amount of wine we pour into a glass and more often than not, the five ounces of wine in a “glass” ends up being much more than that. The same can even be said for beer, since the recommended serving size can be seen on a bottle or a can, but, the amount of alcohol varies within the brews.
Men and women metabolize alcohol differently, so it isn’t even about the size of the person; it’s our physiological makeup that is the biggest factor. Alcohol stays in the blood longer for women, attributing to those problems with the liver, as well as why it’s easier for a woman to be arrested for drinking and driving. This blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is what is tested at a traffic stop, and if a person is over .08 BAC, he or she will be charged with a drunk driving offense. Women just get over that BAC limit faster, making drinking and driving more of a possibility. More alcohol in the blood makes it harder for the liver to function normally, too, with dire health consequences over time. All in all, that one glass of wine can lead to some very bad situations for women.
The best thing a woman can do when drinking is to be careful about how much alcohol is consumed. Read labels, be careful when pouring drinks and always drink in moderation. Your health and the peace of mind of driving sober is well worth your time.