Our nation’s capital has a reputation that we should all be concerned about. For once, this reputation has little to do with politics (except, perhaps the gut reaction to reading the latest Tweetstorm or head-of-state headlines). It seems that on top of the government’s risky behaviors, DC has a drinking problem, too. Like the worst in the U.S… even more than Iowa, Florida, or Wisconsin.
A recent study shows that DC drinkers are at the top for adults who consume alcohol and for the number of heavy drinkers.
Fortunately, DC also has a DUI solution that cares not for political opinion or accurate news: ignition interlock devices. DC’s ignition interlock requirement only relies on facts, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) facts, to prevent further DC DUI problems. That means safer streets and no excuses for drunk driving.
A DC DUI makes little sense, considering the many ways to get around the city, including buses, the Metro, and rideshare services. But if you are still questioning whether you are OK to drive, remember that for any DC DUI, you will have a mandatory ignition interlock requirement. If the DC DUI occurs on federal property, you will still have an ignition interlock requirement. If you live in surrounding Virginia or Maryland, you will not have a problem with the monitoring of your device, because both of those states require interlocks for all DUIs, so there are plenty of ignition interlock service providers for you, too.
DC may make all of us want to relax, or even drink a few more drinks than what is considered rational, but we can all stand together and show our strength in numbers…at least where a DC DUI is concerned. Remember that we all have options when we are drinking, and that if our environment lends to a heavy drinking culture, having a safe ride home is the only agenda that makes any sense.